Alfred wegener
Alfred wegener

alfred wegener

Wegener's assessment sticks out for two reasons. In 1858, Antonio Snider-Pelligrini suggested that the continents had been moved by the biblical flood. In 1620, Francis Bacon called attention to the similarities in the continental outlines of eastern South America and western Africa. This was certainly not a new observation. Wegener noticed that the east coast of South America lined up almost perfectly with the west coast of Africa. One could say that Alfred Wegener is the father of Plate Tectonic Theory. Specific contributions to plate tectonic theory- Continental Drift Wegener died in 1930 of a heart attack caused by overexertion while leading his third expedition in Greenland.

alfred wegener

His second trip in 1912 featured the longest crossing of an ice cap ever taken at the time and resulted in the publication of multiple glaciological and meteorological volumes. Wegener took three trips to Greenland in his lifetime. One of his primary ambitions was arctic exploration, particularly in Greenland. Wegener was somewhat of an adventurous spirit. In 1924, he became the chair of the meteorology and geophysics department at the University of Graz in Austria. He succeeded Koppen as the director of the Meteorological Research Department of the Marine Observatory at Hamburg after World War I. Wegener married Elsa Koppen, daughter of meteorologist Wladimir Peter Koppen in 1913. However, Wegener's true passions were in the fields of meteorology and arctic exploration. Ironically, Wegener was not schooled in geology. He was the son of an evangelical minister. Alfred Wegener was born on Novemin Berlin.

Alfred wegener